Back to School for Toddlers & Preschoolers
I was not prepared for all of the “big boy” stuff that my baby needed when I found out that he was moving up to a toddler class this school year! He might be the biggest in his class, but he is also the youngest and I’m not sure how I feel about him looking so old! But I do know that he couldn’t be more ready to go back to school!
However, when I learned of all of the new things he needed for school, I was a bit overwhelmed. Thankfully, a few friends and teachers helped me figure it all out and guided me towards what to get. So I thought I’d share what was shared with me, in case anyone else happens to be a bit overwhelmed with all that is needed to send their toddlers or pre-schoolers to school!
Nap Mat
My son still sleeps in a crib at night, so needing a nap mat was one of the biggest shocks to me. But everyone I talked to said that I’d be surprised at how well his age group sleeps on nap mats at school. Once I got over that concern, I still had no idea where to get one. Thankfully a couple of friends referred me to some Etsy sights and sure enough I was able to quickly get what he needed! Since we’re in COVID times, he will have to bring it home daily to be washed, so I just bought two to make it a little easier on us.
Needing a lunchbox was the second thing that caught me off guard. It’s been almost 6 months since he has been in daycare, so last time he was there he was actually still drinking formula and not eating much solids yet. Flash forward half a year and he’s an all solids eater, so of course he’d need a lunchbox. But then my next thought was what wondering kind of lunchbox and containers. Once again, Etsy gave great choices! And a friend and his teacher both suggested Bento Boxes to use inside of his lunchbox! Done and done.
We’ve been using the same ripper, torn, and stained diaper backpack that we’ve used since our boy was born. It’s been months past due for a new backpack. But since covid hit, we haven’t had a real need for a new one. Going back to school, however, calls for a brand new bag! This year’s backpack needs to be big enough to hold his lunch box, sippy-cup, thermos, two change of clothes, and lots of diapers. Once again, a friend referred me to Etsy and we got the perfect one! It is big, cute, and washable. Just what he needs.
We learned last year that labeling everything is a must! No different this year, but we might need some more labels. Last year, a friend gifted us Inchbug name labels for his bottles and sippy cups, as well as waterproof adhesive name labels and we have loved them! We will definitely be ordering more from Inchbug.
I still can’t believe our boy is big enough for all of these “big boy” things! He just started back at school in his new class and it was very bittersweet! Of course the first day drop off was a bit chaotic, rough, and tearful. My son spilt milk on his clothes on the way there, I broke his backpack trying to get it out of the car, he did not want to get his temp taken, and he screamed as he was carried away from me. I left in a tizzy but thankfully his teacher sent a video shortly after, showing that he was okay. Sure enough, he ending up having a great day! His new backpack, lunchbox, and nap mat we’re all happily used. I am so thankful for a great start to a new year!
Share with me!
Any other tips, ideas, or suggestions?