When Your All Feels Small
“When Your All Feels Small” - Message by Kristen Wallace at Family Life Church
This is a powerful message for anyone who feels that their all seems small. After sharing how God used David’s ordinary to do the extraordinary and beat Goliath, Kristen Wallace becomes vulnerable and shares her personal story of how God used her “small” ordinary to do the “big” extraordinary in her life. Her testimony of God’s faithfulness is beautiful and encouraging for every person who has ever felt defeated or lost in their ordinary. Take the time to listen to her heartfelt, raw, and passionate message.
Listen and Share:
Click the link above to hear the full message or watch a short preview of the message below! Feel free to share it with others who might need this encouragement in their life!
Message Notes:
Here is a quick view of her message notes from the story of David and Goliath:
1 Samual 17 - Background: David was a shepherd who brought food to his brothers as they fought the Philistines. For those of you who don’t know, David ends up defeating and killing the giant Goliath with a stone and slingshot.
God values the ORDINARY -
David was asked to bring food to his brothers. He was given an ordinary errand but God did something extraordinary.
God values OBEDIENCE -
David was obedient. If he had disobeyed, he never would have experienced what God had planned for him. You do not have to know what your next season looks like, you just have to be obedient to God.
David was a shepherd which was considered a lowly position, but he continued to serve faithfully for years after defeating Goliath before ever becoming King. If you can’t walk faithfully with God in the small things, you’ll never be able to walk with Him in the big things.
After sharing her message points, Kristen opens up and shares how God has used her ordinary, mundane, and what felt like a pointless life to bring her the job of her dreams. If you or someone you know feels lost and hopeless in their ordinary life, please listen and share this message to be encouraged that God can take that ordinary and use it to do the EXTRAordinary.
Kristen Wallace
“God uses the ordinary to do the extraordinary.”
Kristen Wallace:
I have known Kristen for over eleven years! We were roommates all throughout college and, in fact, our moms were roommates at the same college years ago! We now live states apart but continue to grow deeper in our friendship despite the miles. Kristen lives in Jacksonville, Florida and is an Oncology Registered Nurse and the Children’s Ministry Director at her dad’s church. Talk about a balancing act! She has been through quite a lot of heartache and pain throughout the last ten years, but she has come out stronger, wiser, and more grounded in her faith than ever. I could not be more proud and honored to call this woman of God my “sister.”